
Inhabit Sheet

Holistic Healing Environments

Flooring provides critical support for the environments where we heal. At Shaw Contract, we aim to make a Smarter Impact by advancing our understanding of all that contributes to healing – from colour to acoustics, infection control to glare reduction.

How Can Flooring Improve Patient Outcomes?

In Healthcare, flooring provides critical support and performance for a wide range of specialised environments, from the operating room to the waiting room. Shaw Contract serves the segment as a committed partner, with unrivalled expertise and a dedicated portfolio of solution-driven products.

Responsible manufacturing begins with our product development process that considers the well-being of patients and staff in healthcare environments. For the comfort and wellbeing of patients, we use the principles of biophilic design and offer a range of flooring solutions to meet the needs of each environment.


Evidence-Based Design

A large body of evidence attests to the fact that the physical environment impacts patient stress, staff effectiveness, and quality of care provided in hospitals and other healthcare settings. The calming power of a soft surface, a clean resilient floor, nature based patterns, tempered acoustics, or the soothing interplay of light and shadow are all essential elements we consider when designing our products.

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Healthcare Categories


Our Healthcare segment provides solutions for:

Acute Care

Medical Office Buildings


Solutions for Health 

and Well-Being

We design using the Cradle to Cradle® philosophy to focus on material health, material reutilisation, renewable energy, and carbon management. (link to healthcare w/out harm)

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Installing our easy to maintain LVT or sheet eliminates the need for stripping and waxing, keeping spaces operational during maintenance and cleaning. (link to technical pages)

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From resilient to carpet tile that requires no transitions, our human-centric products are designed with safety in mind.

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Now, more than ever, our healthcare spaces need to prevent the spread of infections. Our flooring solutions can help.

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Case Studies

Brooke Army Medical Center


Fit for purpose

The two million square-foot facility employs 10,500 staff members and is the largest military hospital in the world. Over the past five years, Shaw Contract has become the trusted flooring provider of choice for BAMC, installing more than 20,000 yards of LVT, resilient sheet and carpet tile at the hospital.

Case Studies

UMC of Southern Nevada Emergency Department


The recent renovation of the University Medical Center of Southern Nevada emergency department required a floor that would withstand the unique needs of this fast-paced medical facility. Shaw Contract direct-glue, 30 mil LVT Unveil provides a high-performance flooring foundation for this bustling emergency department that services more than 230 adult patients daily from the Southern Nevada region.

Read about this renovation

Case Studies

Shady Grove Fertility Center


In medical settings, providers focus not only on physical health, but the whole person, including mental, and emotional health. Shady Grove Fertility Centre took cues from hospitality design, while maintaining the requirements of technical and expert medical functions.

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